2. Uniform and thin rubber layer is with good anti-deforming
capability in the operation process of the equipment, so screw pump of the
stator with equal wall thickness bears high pressure based on1 single stage
which can reduce pump level and previous excess suitable quantity of stator and
rotor in case of operation under the same operating condition and operating
torque and system efficiency are higher than those of conventional pump to
improve pump usability.
3. Rubber of stator with equal wall thickness is with even
swelling and thermal expansion which can well ensure molded lines of the pump.
The pump is with good sealing property as well as good mechanical property at
the moment of use and operation, making for continuous high efficiency of the
pump for a long time to prolong service cycle of the pump.
公司生产的螺杆泵是国内工作压力、排量大、规格 型号齐、适用范围广、寿命长、节能效果显著的产品。主 要应用于输送单一或多种混合介质液体,包括中性的或腐蚀性的, 含气的或容易产生气泡的,高粘度的或非流动的,以及含有固体颗 粒或纤维的介质。螺杆泵解决了高温、高压、强溶剂等疑难介 质的输送难题,具有低能耗、低运行成本,维修、维护方便,螺杆 及定子等关键性配件的寿命比其它单螺杆泵的长 1-2 倍的特点。广 泛应用于石油、造纸、压滤机、污水处理、化工、水煤浆、果汁等 行业。
以上就是关于武汉匀壁厚定子值得信赖 螺耐斯环保设备公司支付宝不可用余额是什么意思全部的内容,关注我们,带您了解更多相关内容。