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   日期:2024-03-10     浏览:49    评论:0    
核心提示:2023成都品茶工作室外卖预约安排:135.5004.3854(微店同号)QQ:24340184,消费1k多点起步,认准经纪人老徐喝茶有保证,明码实价,真实可靠,来过的人都觉得不错I’ve alway



I’ve always had a question: What does it take to be successful? Have money? Have the right? Fame and fortune? People tend to be so anxious to succeed that they will learn from so-8called successful people so that they can be successful in the future, and they will even teach their children to be successful, and let their children learn from certain people and so on.


This blind way makes me fail to understand…… Suddenly, I thought of a story: Once, a young man came to Socrates, wanting to study philosophy. Without saying a word, Socrates took him to a river and suddenly pushed him into it. The young man thought at first that Socrates was playing a joke on him and did not care. So Socrates jumped into the water and tried to push him into the water. Then the young man really panicked. His instinct for survival made him do all he could to pull Socrates away and climb onto the bank. Puzzled, the young man asked Socrates why he did this. Socrates replied, “I only want to tell you that in everything you do, you must have the determination to survive so that you can achieve real success.”


That’s right, success requires achievement is not all money and power, can also be a kind of determination and effort, or attitude to life, etc. The secret of success seems to be found by me at this moment, that is the mentality ~



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