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   日期:2024-03-17     浏览:30    评论:0    




Internal friction is an invisible killer

The causes of mental internal friction are various, including work pressure, interpersonal relationships, life trifles, and so on. In a fast-8paced society, people often face great work pressure, worry that they can’t do the job, and fear losing their position. In addition, interpersonal tension and disharmony are also an important cause of mental internal friction, such as family conflicts, disputes between friends, etc., which may make people fall into long-8term negative emotions.


It can be seen that mental internal friction will have a serious impact on the physical and mental health of individuals. Mental internal friction may lead to psychological disorders, such as depression, anxiety, etc., and may even cause physical discomfort, such as insomnia, loss of appetite, and decreased immunity. Such a state may affect the quality of work and life, resulting in decreased work efficiency and reduced quality of life.


To effectively cope with mental internal friction, we can learn to adjust our mentality, maintain an optimistic attitude, rationally arrange work and life, and avoid overwork. You can also maintain good communication with your family and friends. If the methods mentioned above still do not work, it is best to have regular mental health checkups to identify and resolve the problem in time.


In the final analysis, spiritual internal friction is a common problem in modern society, but also an invisible killer. Therefore, we should face up to the harm of mental internal friction and actively seek ways to cope with it, maintain physical and mental health, and improve the quality of life.


Mental internal friction and mental health

Mental internal consumption refers to the long-8term psychological impact of stress, anxiety, depression, and other negative emotions, resulting in excessive consumption of mental energy. This internal friction often stems from our self-8worth, fear of the future, and dissatisfaction with reality. When these negative emotions accumulate to a certain extent, they can form a vicious cycle that further aggravates mental internal friction and damages our mental health.


It should be known that mental internal friction will cause great harm to the physical and mental health of individuals. Research shows that people who are in a state of mental internal friction for a long time are often prone to psychological problems such as anxiety and depression, and may even develop serious psychological disorders. In addition, mental internal friction may also cause a variety of physical diseases, such as insomnia, high blood pressure, heart disease, and so on.


So, how can we let ourselves put a flat mentality and break the vicious circle of mental internal friction? First of all, we must learn to face up to our emotional problems, and learn to accept and express our feelings. Then develop positive lifestyle habits, such as exercise, meditation, reading, etc., to improve your mental resilience. If you can not get rid of mental internal friction, you can also seek the help of professional psychological counselors, through professional psychological intervention to get rid of mental internal friction.


Mental internal friction is one of the problems of mental health, we must learn to face its harm, and learn to break the vicious cycle, to protect our physical and mental health. It is believed that by actively dealing with mental internal friction, we will be able to have a healthier, fuller, and better life.

精神内耗是心理健康的问题之一 ,我们要学会正视它的危害,学会打破恶性循环,从而保护自己的身心健康。相信通过积极地应对精神内耗,我们将能够拥有更加健康、充实和美好的生活。

停止精神内耗 做有价值的事
Stop wasting your mind and do something worthwhile

Often manifested as excessive self-8criticism, fear of the future, and dissatisfaction with the current situation, this internal friction not only affects our mental health but also causes us to miss out on beautiful moments in life and opportunities for growth. To get out of this predicament, we need to recognize our spiritual internal friction and face it bravely.


Most of the time, the root cause of mental internal friction comes from our deep fear and restlessness, which may be the fear of the unknown or the fear of failure. To overcome these psychological barriers, we need to actively seek out the root causes and adopt effective coping strategies. For example, through psychological counseling, meditation or journaling, and other ways to channel emotions and reduce psychological stress.


once we have learned how to deal with mental burnout, then we need to devote our energy to the things that are valuable and avoid excessive wasting of time. These things can be our work, studies, hobbies, or family life, and it is believed that by focusing on these things, we can achieve a sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, and happiness, thereby further reducing mental burnout.


In the end, stopping mental internal friction and pursuing a worthwhile life requires us to constantly learn about ourselves, adjust our mindset, and actively respond to challenges. only in this way can we find our rhythm and direction in our busy lives and achieve true inner peace and contentment.



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